The Flue (Chimney)


A flue works on the principle that hot air rises like a hot air balloon. As hot air rises through the flue it creates 'suction' that draws fresh air into the stove. The heat energy in the flue is the 'engine' that drives the stove.

The minimum recommended flue length is 4.5 Meters.


A woodburner will put a lot less heat into a brick chimney than an open fire as it is far more efficient. This is not usually enough to keep the brickwork hot, which can lead to the chimney failing to draw gas and smoke from the building.

These will need a flue liner, 316L for Woodburning or 904L for Multifuel. The fireplace opening is then sealed at the top with a metal plate, and the chimney top is fitted with a cowl which includes a bird gaurd. Bricked in chimneys can be opened out and fitted with new hearths if needed.


Where there is no brick chimney available we use Insulated Twinwall, which is a steel tube with an insulated flue inside. It provides a flue that is just as good as a lined brick chimney but with wide choice for placement.

These can be fitted virtually anywhere, as long as there is room for at least 4.5 Meters of flue to a suitable finishing place. They can go through most types of wall and travel up the side of the building, or through upstairs rooms and a loft space then out of the roof.

They can travel 20% of their height at a 45 degree angle, and be be freestanding for 3 Meters, or longer if supports are used.

It is finished in steel or powder coated black.